Here is a list of all of the commands available for Sage, usable with /<command name here>.
Note, any arguments to the commands will be shown with descriptions when you select the command you want to run.

General Commands


  • Description: Displays the users current message count.

  • Parameters:

    • hide (optional): determines if you want stats public or private### Configuration Commands


  • Description: Toggles whether or not you will receive notifications from Sage on a level up.


  • Description: Toggles whether your email (pii) will be sent to instructors over Discord.

Fun Commands


  • Description: Ask the 8-ball a question and you shall get an answer.

  • More info: This command requires you to put a question mark ('?') at the end of your message.

  • Parameters:

    • question (required): The question you want to ask


  • Description: Challenge a blindfolded Prof. Roosen to a sword fight!

  • More info: You've been challenged to a sword fight. However, your opponent, Professor Roosen, has decided to wear a blindfold. Feeling lucky?


  • Description: Have Sage flip a coin for you!


  • Description: Find the definition of a word.

  • Parameters:

    • word (required): The word to define


  • Description: Get numdice random integers between minimum and maximum.

  • More info: User specified minimum and maximum are inclusive. If no range is specified, defaults to one number ranging from 1 to 6.

  • Parameters:

    • minimum (optional): Minimum of the roll range (defaults to 1)
    • maximum (optional): Maximum of the roll range (defaults to 6)
    • numdice (optional): Number of dice to roll (1-10) (defaults to 1)
    • keephighest (optional): How many dice to keep/total (defaults to the number of dice you're rolling)


  • Description: Press X to doubt.

  • Parameters:

    • target (required): The user to doubt


  • Description: Press F to pay respects.

  • Parameters:

    • target (optional): The user to pay respects to


  • Description: Accepts a LaTeX expression and posts it as a rendered image.

  • Parameters:

    • input (required): The LaTeX expression to render


  • Description: Have Sage create a poll for you.

  • Parameters:

    • timespan (required): How long your poll should last. Acceptable formats include '5s', '5m', '5h', '5h30m', '7h30m15s'...
    • question (required): What would you like to ask?
    • choices (required): A poll can have 2-10 choices. Separate choices with '|' (no spaces/quotes).
    • optiontype (required): Whether participants can only select one choice or multiple.


  • Description: The ultimate battle of human vs program. Can you best Sage in a round of rock paper scissors?


  • Description: Submit an image to the current contest. After using this command upload an image in another message

  • Parameters:

    • file (required): A file to be submitted
    • description (optional): Description of your submission


  • Description: Everything is fine... probably.


  • Description: Find a comic from xkcd.

  • Parameters:

    • comic (required): The comic to send. Can be 'latest', 'random', or a number.### Info Commands


  • Description: Get info about the most recent commit that is currently running.

  • More info: Merge commits and version bumps are ignored.


  • Description: Check Discord's current status.


  • Description: Provide feedback or bug reports about Sage.

  • Parameters:

    • feedback (required): feedback to be sent to the admins
    • file (optional): A file to be posted with the feedback


  • Description: Provides info about all Sage commands

  • More info: If given no arguments, a list of all commands you have access to will be sent to your DMs

  • Parameters:

    • cmd (optional): command you would like to know more about


  • Description: Provides information about Sage.


  • Description: Gives the top 10 users in the guild

  • More info: Enter a page number to look further down the leaderboard

  • Parameters:

    • pagenumber (optional): leaderboard page to view


  • Description: Runs a connection test to Discord


  • Description: Provides information about the UDCIS discord server.


  • Description: Displays info about Sage's current status

Partial Visibility Question Commands


  • Description: Send an anonymous question in your classes general channel.

  • More info: Sage will automatically determine your course if you are only enrolled in one!

  • Parameters:

    • question (required): What would you like to ask?
    • course (optional): What course chat would you like to ask your question in?
    • file (optional): A file to be posted with the question


  • Description: Archive a private question thread.

  • More info: This command only works in private question threads.


  • Description: Send a question to all course staff privately.

  • More info: Sage will automatically determine your course if you are only enrolled in one!

  • Parameters:

    • question (required): What you would like to ask
    • course (optional): What course chat would you like to ask your question in?


  • Description: Reply to a question you previously asked with Sage.

  • Parameters:

    • questionid (required): The ID of the question you would like to reply to
    • response (required): What you would like to reply with
    • file (optional): A file to be posted with the reply### Question Tagging Commands


  • Description: Filters the questionTags collection for a given class and assignment

  • More info: Sage will automatically determine your course if you are only enrolled in one!

  • Parameters:

    • assignment (required): The ID of the assignment to filter questions from
    • course (optional): What course would you like to filter questions from?


  • Description: Tags a message with a given course/assignment ID. Must be run in a class-specific channel.

  • Parameters:

    • message (required): The link of the message you want to tag
    • assignmentid (required): The assignment name tag to add to this message More info related to the question tagging system can also be found on this page.

Reminders Commands


  • Description: Cancel any pending reminders you may have.

  • More info: You can only cancel one reminder at a time

  • Parameters:

    • remindernumber (required): ID of the reminder to cancel


  • Description: Have Sage give you a reminder.

  • More info: Reminders can be set to repeat daily or weekly.

  • Parameters:

    • content (required): What you'd like to be reminded of
    • duration (required): When you'd like to be reminded
    • repeat (optional): How often you want the reminder to repeat


  • Description: See your upcoming reminders.

  • More info: Don't worry, private reminders will be hidden if you use this command publicly.

Staff Commands

All of the staff-only commands can be found on this page.