Running Commands

As staff, you have access to some commands not listed in the general [commands page][29]. You run them the same as the other commands, using /<command name here>in any channel that Sage is in, although we recommend running staff commands in staff-only channels.

Staff Commands


  • Description: Adds an assignment to a given course ID's assignment list

  • Parameters:

    • course (required): The course ID to add an assignment to
    • newassignments (required): A | separated list of new assignments


  • Description: Emails you a link to the students blockpy submissions

  • Parameters:

    • user (required): The member to look up


  • Description: Have Sage google something for someone

  • Parameters:

    • query (required): What you'd like Sage to Google for someone!


  • Description: Looks up information about a given user

  • Parameters:

    • user (required): The member to look up


  • Description: Gives the muted role to the given user.

  • Parameters:

    • user (required): The user to mute


  • Description: Resets a given user's message count.

  • More info: Using with no value will reset to 0. A positive integer will set their message count and a negative will subtract that from their total

  • Parameters:

    • user (required): The user whose message count will be edited
    • value (optional): value to use (positive to set, negative to subtract, none to set to 0)


  • Description: Gives information about a role, including a list of the members who have it.

  • Parameters:

    • role (required): Role to get the info of


  • Description: Reply to a question asked through Sage.

  • More info: Responses are put into a private thread between you and the asker.

  • Parameters:

    • questionid (required): ID of question you are replying to
    • response (required): Response to the question


  • Description: Warns a user for breaking the rules and deletes the offending message.

  • More info: This command must be used when replying to a message.

  • Parameters:

    • msglink (required): Link to the offending message
    • reason (optional): Reason for warning the user
